Pokémon Ópalo is a Pokémon fangame developed by Eric Lostie, author of other famous games such as Pokémon Iberia, where you can leisurely explore the region of Céfira, an area of the world with a distinct American Western aesthetic. Within this new region, of course, you'll find new gyms, new characters, new music, and much more.
The story in Pokémon Ópalo is set 60 years after the events that took place during Pokémon Red and Blue. Since then, numerous events of major significance to the Pokémon world have taken place, resulting in the closure of many major gyms and a general decline in interest in competitions. It is within this setting that your adventure will begin.
The gameplay in Pokémon Ópalo is nothing new for most veterans of the saga. Players will be able to get hundreds of different Pokémon that, of course, can be evolved as you progress through the story, winning battles and gaining experience.
Pokémon Ópalo is another excellent fangame, with plenty of potential to delight any fan of the Pokémon saga. The game offers a traditional experience, but with enough new features to keep the interest of even those who have enjoyed all the franchise's previous installments.
Pokémon Opal is one of the best Pokémon games, all I have to say about Pokémon Opal is that it's one of the best Pokémon games on Earth
Hello, I would like to start my very first newslock with Pokémon Opal, but I can't seem to find it in French. I admit it's a bit discouraging for me... I find it a shame.